The list of PMP exception codes.
Not documented exception |
Acquisition sample period for Signal (SignalSamplePeriod) is not a multiple or unit fraction of the master sample period SamplePeriod |
Acquisition interval Interval is invalid |
IAcquisition::Prepare is only allowed in acquisition state 'Idle' or 'Prepared'. Current state is 'State' |
Acquisition does not contain any signals |
Configured acquisition's buffer capacity (BufferCapacity) is not large enough for the configured pre-trigger sample duration (PreTriggerDuration). Required capacity (RequiredCapacity) |
Unable to retrieve acquisition sample layout while in state 'Idle'. Current state: 'State' |
Supersampling is not supported for master signal Signal |
Supersampling is not supported for signal Signal on subcontroller Subcontroller |
Requested interval Interval for signal Signal is Factor times smaller than controller bus period BusPeriod while max MaxFactor times is possible for SubController |
IAcquisition::Start is only allowed in acquisition state 'Idle' or 'Prepared'. Current state is 'State' |
Acquisition configuration can only be changed in state 'Idle' or 'Prepared'. Current state 'State' |
Dropping Amount of acquisition data due to NRTC buffer overflow for Instance |
Reading signal Signal failed |
Signal Signal is not writable |
String value 'Value' is larger than the allowed maximum length MaxLength |
Unable to read object 'Object' |
Unable to write object 'Object' |
Number of elements ValueSize of the value being written exceeds the number of elements ObjectSize of the data object |
Number of elements ValueSize of the value being written exceeds the number of elements ObjectSize of the data object |
Event Event is triggered while not in Run state. Context: 'Context' |
Failed to find a data object of container Name |
Insufficient memory to handle all event response subscriptions |
No monitor variables are available for Subcontroller |
Monitor Variable claim failed for data object 'Object' (BitSize bits. Monitor variables are only 32 bit |
Data object 'Object' cannot be in TxPDO (slave -> master) |
Monitor Variable claim failed for data object 'Object'. The frequency difference between the EtherCAT bus period and the slave super sample period is larger than factor MaxFrequencyFactor |
No resource available for monitoring data object 'Object' |
Object 'Object' cannot be monitored with supersampling |
Object 'Object' cannot be monitored |
Initializing paramter set ParSet failed for signal Signal |
Acquisition instance is not reserved and cannot be released |
All acquisition instances (AcquisitionCount) are already reserved |
Overall maximum number of acquisition signal (MaxAcquisitionSignals) is reached |
Failed to create TrajectoryInterpolator on RTC |
Failed to reserve a signal match on RTC |
Failed to release a signal match on RTC |
Unable to subscribe on signal 'Signal' as there are no free signal matches available. Number of signal matches in use: InUse |
Signal 'Signal' cannot translate value 'Value' |
Signal 'Signal' cannot translate 'String' to a value |
Initializing signal Signal with illegal value |
Rollback of state transition to 'State' failed due to an exception. See inner exception for details. The topcontroller is left in 'CurrentState' |
Autonomous transition from 'Init' to 'Config' state failed due to an exception. Message: 'Message' |
Trying to truncate execution guard consumer 'name' name but reached limit |
Failed to create TrajectoryGenerator on RTC |
Condition argument is a null pointer |
Signal must be provided in the condition |
The pre sample duration (Duration) is invalid |
The post sample duration (Duration) is invalid |
PAL state transition failed. See inner exception |
PAL state transition failed. See inner exception |
PAL failed to comply with request because of error on slave 'Id'. error: 'Error' |
PAL failed to comply with request because an invalid network topology. Check connections near subcontroller 'Controller' |
PAL failed to comply with request. Error: 'Error' |
Failed to create processing block Block |
Failed to create the dynamic library for 'Name' |
ResetFault failed on AxisControl: Switch on disabled not reached within expected timeframe |
ResetFault aborted on AxisControl: Switch on disabled not reached |
Power state machine is not supported for actuator |
Actuator does not support alignment |
The address of Input could not be retrieved |
Updatable does not have a product number |
Updatable does not have a version |
Could not parse product number 'ProductNumber' |
The product number 'ProductNumber' of the updatable can not be translated into version information |
Updatable 'Name' is already being accessed |
Failed to connect the default signal 'SignalPath' to Input |
Cannot read the value of signal Name as double |
Cannot read the value of signal Name as Uint32 |
Translations are not supported for signal Name |
Translations are not supported for signal Name |
Translations are not supported for signal Signal |
>A double value cannot be assigned to signal Signal |
A Uint32 value cannot be assigned to signal Signal |
Signal is locked by CurrentLocker while provided parent locker is ParentLocker |
Locker Locker is already locking this signal Signal |
Locker Locker is locking this signal 'Signal' |
Locker Locker was not locking this signal Signal |
SubscribeMatch with SDoubleCondition is not supported for signal Name |
SubscribeMatch with SUint32Condition is not supported for signal Name |
WaitMatch with SDoubleCondition is not supported for signal Name |
WaitMatch with SUint32Condition is not supported for signal Name |
Data object 'Object' cannot be mapped to PDO due to PDO access 'PdoAccess' |
No resource available for signal 'Signal' |
Failed to write Updatable |
Failed to write Updatable |
Failed to write Updatable |
Sub-controller with PMP identifier 'PmpId' is already destroyed |
Failed to deallocate underlying slave for subcontroller 'SubController' (Slave identifier: 'SlaveId') |
IOBus slave doesn't have controller model updatable |
Failed to decompress 'FileName' |
Unexpected sub-controller 'SubController' found |
Unable to add subcontroller 'NewSubController' because a subcontroller with the same default name 'ExistingSubController' is already connected |
Subcontroller required backup option to be created (BusId: 'BusId', Position: 'Position' Vendor: 'Vendor', ProductCode: 'ProductCode', Revision: 'Revision', SerialNumber: 'SerialNumber') |
Failed to create subcontroller using 'OptionDesc' |
All subcontroller creation options failed (Bus: 'BusId', Position: 'Position', Vendor: 'Vendor', ProductCode: 'ProductCode', Revision: 'Revision', SerialNumber: 'SerialNumber') |
Failed to retrieve XML description from 'File' from Slave SlaveId on Bus |
Failed to configure Input which is connected to Signal |
Failed to configure Input |
Failed to apply remote parameterset ParameterSet |
Source path 'SourcePath' not found for event Event |
Source path 'SourcePath' not found for event Event |
The oldest DisposedAsynchronousExceptionCount asynchronous exceptions have been disposed |
Failed writing contents to Updatable |
Failed reading contents from Updatable |
Failed to create advanced trajectory generator |
Failed to replace segments for PathMove |
Updatable 'Name' does not support writing |
Updatable 'Name' only supports writing |
Unable to find ancestor controller of EventResponse 'EventResponse' |
Unable to find parent of EventResponse 'EventResponse' |
Parent of event response 'EventResponse' is not an event responder |
EventResponse EventResponse is not mutable |
Command sequence not in state idle, completed or failed. Command sequence state: 'State' |
Command(s) not in state idle, completed or failed. Command 'Command' in state: 'State' |
Failed to apply configuration |
Failed to apply configuration |
Failed to apply configuration |
Failed to to revert applied changes |
ProcessingBlock block cannot be destroyed because it is immutable |
Signal Signal is already added to the acquisition instance |
One of the internal signals of 'Set' could not be written |
The value Value is not valid for signal Signal |
Passed value 'Value' to signal Signal is out of bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] |
Passed value 'Value' to signal Signal is out of bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] |
Passed value 'Value' to signal Signal is out of bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] |
Passed value 'Value' to signal Signal is out of bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] |
Passed value (Value) to signal Signal not within bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] and also not equal to the invalid value (InvalidValue) |
Passed value (Value) to signal Signal not within bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] and also not equal to the invalid value (InvalidValue) |
Passed value (Value) to signal Signal not within bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] and also not equal to the invalid value (InvalidValue) |
Passed value (Value) to signal Signal not within bounds [LowerBound..UpperBound] and also not equal to the invalid value (InvalidValue) |
Signal Signal is not writable |
Timeout is NaN |
WaitMatch timeout |
WaitMatch was aborted |
Failed reading signal Signal |
Failed reading signal Signal |
Failed reading signal Signal |
An Uint32 cannot be assigned to Signal |
Bitwise operators are not supported on non-integer signal Signal |
The condition mask parameter is 0. Signal will never be triggered |
SubscribeMatch failed on Signal. Callback pointer is null |
Failed to write dataobject 'object' of signal signal: 'message' |
Number of elements ValueSize of the value being written exceeds the number of elements ObjectSize of the data object |
Failed to write dataobject 'object' of signal signal |
Failed to read dataobject 'object' of signal signal: 'message' |
Number of nested exceptions exceeds the maximum of 'Maximum' |
Context information of exception with index Index is lost due to overflow of RTC exception pool of size PoolSize. First valid index: FirstValidIndex |
Lost asynchronous exceptions due to buffer overflow of the exception pool |
Combined Number asychronous exceptions with same Id that have occurred in the RTC |
Homing procedure aborted by command queue sequence event response to event 'Event' |
Homing procedure aborted due to a failed command 'Command', see nested exception for more details |
Homing method timed out |
A slave specific diagnosis message was received for a slave with no product id. TextId: TextId, 'ParameterInfo' |
Slave exception with id 'ExceptionId' is not found in the slave model for diagnosis message with TextId: TextId, 'ParameterInfo' |
Diagnosis message received: DiagCode: 0xDiagCode, TextId: 0xTextId, TimeStamp: TimeStamp, 'ParameterInfo' |
Diagnosis message received from SubController |
Exception information is lost for this exception tree for SubController |
Exception information is lost for this exception tree for SubController |
Overflow occurred in diagnosis history queue of slave |
EventResponse EventResponse is not mutable |
EventResponse EventResponse is not mutable |
Mandatory event 'Event' may not be removed |
Could not find hidden signal 'Name' in sub-controller definition to add event Event to response Response |
Failed to create the command sequence 'Name' |
The value Value is not valid for signal Signal |
Cannot apply ParameterSet while member Signal is locked |
No signal connected to input Input |
Homing method not configured |
Homing is already active on this axis. Current state: 'State' |
Selected homing method 'Method' requires axis control to be in state Operation Enabled. Current state: 'State' |
Can't retrieve the signal connected to the 'StabilizingComplete' input of the command queue of AxisControl AxisControl |
Input Input must be connected to determine if axis Axis is at a standstill before starting homing |
Axis not at standstill |
Homing direction not configured |
Axis control 'Axis' is part of an axis control group: 'Group' |
A required input for homing method 'Method' is not connected |
Homing could not be started since Queue is already locked |
Queue 'Queue' not in state 'Idle', but in state 'State' |
Homing is already running |
Unknown or unsupported method specified: 'Method' |
Invalid timeout specified: 'Timeout' |
Homing is already running |
Calculated home offset 'Home' is not within bounds |
Failed to set state on Homing to state 'State' |
Failed to connect Input to Signal since the data of the signal cannot be made periodically available |
Failed to configure Input which is connected to Signal |
Failed to configure Input |
Internal SIP call 'Call' failed |
Exception occurred in Sensor |
Unsupported bus type 'type' requested for bus 'name' under parent parent |
Default name 'name' requested for bus under parent parent has a length that exceeds the maximum supported length of maxLength characters |
Internal bus type string 'type' requested for bus 'bus' under parent parent has a length that exceeds the maximum supported length of maxLength characters |
The controller description of bus 'name' with type 'type' contains a state machine which is not supported |
The processingblock is built for the wrong platform 'BuildPlatform'. Should be 'TargetPlatform' |
Bus state transition to 'State' failed for bus 'Bus' of external type 'ExtType' internal type 'IntType' on connector 'Connector'. See inner exception |
Delay not supported for signal 'Signal' |
EventResponse EventResponse is not mutable |
EventResponse EventResponse is not mutable |
Mandatory event 'Event' may not be removed |
The configuration file fails at xml element 'Element' named 'Name' at line Line |
Failed parsing the configuration file string 'String' to double |
Failed parsing the configuration file string 'String' to double |
Error ecountered while parsing child element 'Element' at line Line |
Failed parsing the configuration file string 'String' to double |
Failed parsing the configuration file string 'String' to double |
The configuration file fails at xml element 'Element' at line Line |
Axis control 'AxisControl' not found for joint Joint |
Axis control 'AxisControl' not found for joint Joint |
Reference frame 'RefFramePath' not found for joint 'Joint' |
Reference frame path 'RefFramePath' should refer to a frame higher up the in hierarchy of 'Frame' |
Provided model is not part of a subcontroller node (current node: node) |
Could not create new robot |
Reference frame 'RefFramePath' not found for frame Frame |
Input frame 'InputFramePath' not found for frame Frame |
'InputFramePath' should refer to a frame higher up the in hierarchy of Frame |
Could not create new joint 'Joint' |
Could not create new frame |
Could not create new geometry |
String 'Value' specified for non-enum signal (Signal) |
Signal Signal with datatype 'Type' cannot represent value SignalValue correctly |
Boolean signal value invalidly configured as unsupported string (Signal) |
Could not create new rigid body |
Could not create new robot parameter set 'ParSet' |
Reference frame 'RefFramePath' not found for Geometry |
'RefFramePath' should refer to a frame higher up in the hierarchy of Geometry |
Reference frame 'RefFramePath' not found for Geometry |
'RefFramePath' should refer to a frame higher up in the hierarchy of Geometry |
Could not create new frame |
The value value provided for parameter 'state' is not a valid EtherCAT state |
EtherCAT state 'busState' is not compatible with the current top-controller state 'ctrlStateAct', requires 'ctrlStateCompat' |
Reached root node, did not encounter object of type 'ObjectType' |
Reached root node, did not encounter object 'Object' |
Transition to 'RequestedState' is not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Transition not allowed |
Can't make signal processed signal Signal periodically available |
Provided callback pointer is null |
Invalid timeout specified Timeout (NaN) |
This object does not support capabilities |
This object does not support capabilities |
This object does not support capabilities |
Type can not be changed while in top-controller state Run |
This object does not support capabilities |
Invalid capability selected |
Unsupported capability selected |
Power states are not supported on this object |
CreateSupportedCapabilities may not be called a second time |
Retrieving specifically typed sub-controllers is not supported yet |
Object with key 'Key'not found in dictionary |
An object with key 'Key' already exists |
Parameter set signal should have a parent |
Parameter set signal should have a parent |
Failed to set the name to 'Name', parameterset signals cannot be renamed |
Failed to set the unit to 'Unit', SetUnit is not allowed for parameter set signals |
SubscribeMatch is not allowed for parameter set signals |
SubscribeMatch is not allowed for parameter set signals |
WaitMatch is not allowed for parameter set signals |
WaitMatch is not allowed for parameter set signals |
Unable to write Signal |
Object 'ObjectName' found in dictionary Dictionary as FoundObjectType, but not of the requested type |
Object 'ObjectName' not found in dictionary Dictionary |
No instance of requested type 'RequestedType' found in named dictionary Dictionary |
No instance of requested type 'RequestedType' found in named dictionary Dictionary |
Object 'ObjectName' not found in dictionary of any ancestor of Dictionary |
Object with default name 'ObjectName' not found in dictionary Dictionary |
Object 'ObjectName' not found in dictionary of any ancestor of dictionary Dictionary |
Object 'ObjectName' not found in dictionary Dictionary |
State transition not allowed because the following operations are currently running: 'RunningOperations' |
'OperationName' only supported in 'StateName' state 'AllowedStates' |
Unknown state RequestedState specified in statemachine StateMachine |
Transition not allowed from current state to requested state 'RequestedState' in statemachine StateMachine |
Failing to set the state of StateMachine from 'CurrentState' to 'TargetState' |
Changing states is not supported in statemachine StateMachine |
Empty vector of states was passed |
Unknown state State specified in statemachine StateMachine |
Empty vector of states was passed to statemachine StateMachine |
Failing to create the StateMachine on RTC |
WaitState timeout after Timeout ms occured in StateMachine |
WaitState was aborted in StateMachine |
Eventsource not registered with event manager |
SubController SubController does not have a statemachine |
Event responder Responder not registered with event manager |
The configuration file fails at xml element 'Element' at line Line |
The configuration file fails at xml element 'Element' at line Line |
Lost samples (Count) with stream positions [StartStreamPosition EndStreamPosition) due to lack of buffering in Rtc for AcquisitionInstance |
Queue: Command 'Command' (Id: Id) is aborted |
Index 'Index' of data object is not within range in SharedDataMapping for 'DataObject' |
Type mismatch (data object: 'ObjectType', shared data: 'SharedDataType') in SharedDataMapping for 'DataObject' |
Queue: Group move command (Id: Id) failed due to error on axis AxisNumber |
Queue: Group move command (Id: Id) failed due to error on axis AxisNumber |
Queue: Group move (Id: Id) failed. Axis is not part of the group |
Queue: Command 'Command' (Id: Id) is already finished |
Group command (Id: Id) failed to start due to error on axis Axis |
Group command (Id: Id) failed to start |
Command 'Command' (Id: Id) is aborted |
Traject generator is still busy. Cannot start new move |
Move could not be started in time. Trajectory calculation took too long |
Unknown event 'Event' |
Unknown updatable 'Updatable' |
Queue:Group command (Id: Id) failed due to error on axis AxisNumber |
Queue: Group command (Id: Id) failed due to error on axis AxisNumber |
Transition 'Transition' not allowed from state 'State' |
Transition request 'TransitionRequest' to state 'State' not allowed due to active response 'Response' triggered by event 'Event' |
Too many concurrent transitions |
State transition 'ActiveTransition' aborted by 'RequestedTransition' with higher priority |
Loading dynamic processingblock library failed for template. The binary is incompatible with the execution platform. (platform specific error-code: PlatformCode) |
Loading dynamic processingblock library failed. Out of memory |
Loading dynamic processingblock library failed. ErrorCode: PlatformCode |
Dynamic processingblock library has no symbol 'GetVersion' |
Dynamic processingblock library version(major:LibraryMajor, minor: LibraryMinor) is incompatible with required version for the PMP firmware (major: PmpMajor, minor: PmpMinor) |
Dynamic processingblock library has no symbol 'Create' |
State transition 'ActiveTransition' aborted by 'RequestedTransition' with higher priority |
State transition 'Transition' failed. Slave is disconnected from communication bus. Last slave state: 'State' |
State transition 'Transition' failed. Current state: 'State' |
TimeOut: Slave did not react within Timeout cycles. Requested transition: 'Transition', current Slave state 'State' |
Failed to allocate Count objects of size Size from the memory pool |
Queue: Command CloseLoop (Id: Id) is not allowed in state State |
Queue: Command OpenLoop (Id: Id) is not allowed in state State |
Queue: Closing the loop (Command Id: Id) is only allowed at standstill (InPosition) |
Trajectory generator is still busy. Cannot start new group move |
Input: Input shared data has not been initialized |
Input Input is not mutable in bus state Run as specified in the model |
Input Input does not support saturation as specified in the model |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to create dynamic processing block. Out of memory |
Failed to find the named entity 'Name' from the dynamic processingblock model in the Rtc implementation |
State transition 'ActiveTransition' aborted by 'RequestedTransition' with higher priority |
Dynamic library (name) attempts to allocate memory (size) outside the transition from Config to Run state |
Dynamic library (name) attempts to allocate more memory (size) than available (available) |
This input does not support connecting signals of a different datatype. Cannot cast from 'SignalType' to 'InputType' |
Command 'Command' (Id: Id) aborted. Queue Queue is cleared |
Queue: Command 'Command' (Id: Id) is not allowed in axis state 'AxisState' |
Queue: Command 'Command' (Id: Id) is not allowed when the axis control state is still in transition |
Queue: Command 'Command' (Id: Id) is aborted due to a high prio QuickStop. AxisControl state 'State' |
Queue: Command 'Command' (Id: Id) is aborted. Is not allowed to run in axisControl state 'State' |
Failed to start bus state transition after trying 'Retries' times within time 'BusyTime'ms, because bus keeps responding 'Busy' |
Out of signal matches |
Out of acquisition trigger monitors |
Processing block 'ProcessingBlock' not registered |
Creating dynamic processingblock failed: Out of memory |
Creating dynamic processingblock failed |
Creating dynamic processingblock failed |
Requested processing block 'Name' not implemented |
Failed to get identity info for slave on Bus at Position |
Queue: The wait match signal command (Id: Id) did not finish within the specified timeout (Timeout s) |
Writing remote object (Index, SubIndex) on slave BusId.SlaveId failed |
Response 'Response' not registered |
Joint (idx: Idx) start position ('StartPosition') does not match actual joint position ('ActualPosition') |
"PathMove Command is aborted. A DemandPositionOffset (value: DemandPositionOffset) is applied to Joint (idx: Idx) during path execution." |
Unknown input on sensor in RTC. Input: 'Name' |
No free buffer for calculated trajectory |
Received invalid number of rotations (number) from controller |
Failed to instantiate new libarchive archive instance |
Failed to activate GZIP compression support: 'Message' |
Failed to set the format to TAR: 'Message' |
Error opening memory stream: 'Message' |
Error reading header: 'Message' |
Error allocating memory (Size bytes): 'Message' |
Error allocating memory (Size bytes): 'Message' |
Unexpected size read from archive entry (Size bytes): 'Message' |
Error allocating memory (Size bytes) |
Failed to instantiate new libarchive archive instance |
Failed to set the format to TAR: 'Message' |
Failed to activate GZIP compression support: 'Message' |
Error opening memory for writing: 'Message' |
Error creating archive entry: 'Message' |
Error writing entry header: 'Message' |
Failed to write data: 'Message' |
Failed to close archive to finalize it: 'Message' |
Error occurred while uploading data to the controller via updatable 'Name', Size: Size, Return code: 'ReturnCode' |
Number of signals (signalCount) and intervals (intervalCount) do not match |
Child with path 'path' not found as type 'type' |
Number of signals (objects) and corresponding intervals (intervals) do not match |
The version 'SubControllerVersion' of the registered subcontroller of type 'Type' is incompatible with the required version 'RequiredVersion' |
No subcontroller of type 'Type' is registered |
Error returned by the simulated slave interface |
No free progress group resource (claimed progress status -> free when done: 'FreeWhenDone', count: 'Count', finished count: 'FinishedCount', result code: 'ResultCode', error message: 'ErrorMessage') |
Slave 'Id' SII read timeout 'Timeout' |
Slave 'Id' SII read responds with error |
Slave 'Id' SII write timeout 'Timeout' |
Slave 'Id' SII write responds with error |
Slave 'Id' SII reload timeout 'Timeout' |
Slave 'Id' SII reload failed, error status 'Status' |
Word offset 'OffsetWord' exceeds 0xFFFF |
Word offset 'OffsetWord' exceeds 0xFFFF |
Invalid state 'State' for configuration of diagnosis messages |
Invalid state 'State' for starting to read diagnosis messages |
Start read for object '0xObjectIndex.ObjectSubIndex' for slave 'SlaveId' |
Slave 'Id' core register write failed at offset: '0xOffset' length: 'Length' |
Slave 'Id' core register read failed at offset: '0xOffset' length: 'Length' |
Slave 'Id' EtherCAT mailbox DLL found old/unexpected response message |
Slave 'Id' mailbox DLL not processed after Write repeat request |
MbxHandler: response not received (datagram lost) (slave id: 'Id') |
Slave 'Id' mailbox DLL response timed out: 'MbxTimeout' [ms] |
Slave 'Id' mailbox DLL response counter mismatch, Actual:AckCntAct Expected:AckCntExp Repeat:Repeat |
Slave 'Id' mailbox DLL response error type with ErrorCode: 'ErrorCode' |
Chain 'Id' mailbox DLL response type mismatch, Actual:TypeAct Expected:TypeExp |
General mailbox communication error |
General mailbox communication error (after retry) |
EC Error: Slave does not support mailbox (slave id: 'Id') |
Mailbox handler poll response when state is not finished (state: 'State') |
MII read error detected (MII state: 'State') |
MII write timeout detected (executed retries: 'Retries') |
MII write error detected (MII state: 'State') |
Slave 'Id' SDO info description response frame too short 'Length' < 'LengthMinimal' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info description response frame has unexpected header. Actual: '0xHdrAct' Expected: '0xHdrExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info description response frame has unexpected object. Actual: '0xIndexAct' Expected: '0xIndexExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info description response frame too short 'Length' < 'LengthMinimal' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info description response frame has unexpected header. Actual: '0xHdrAct' Expected: '0xHdrExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info description response frame has unexpected object. Actual: '0xIndexAct' Expected: '0xIndexExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info list response frame too short 'Length' < 'LengthMinimal' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info list response frame has unexpected type. Actual: '0xListAct' Expected: '0xListExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info response too short 'Length' < 'LengthMinimal' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info response frame has unexpected header. Actual: '0xHdrAct' Expected: '0xHdrExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO info response frame has unexpected opcode. Actual: '0xOpAct' Expected: '0xOpExp' |
Invalid SDO state during cleanup |
Cannot start an SDO write while another SDO request is being executed |
Cannot start an SDO read while another SDO request is being executed |
Slave update error. state: '0xState', retries remaining: 'RetriesRemaining', retry state: '0xRetryState' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Due to (re-)initializing the ESM state handler of slave (SlaveId) all asynchronous communication is aborted |
EC SetState ESM handler failed. AL control request: 'AlControl', AL status code: 'AlStatus', has AL error: 'HasAlError' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to get serial string (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Not enough Sync managers. PDO Config 'PdoConfig' not processed (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Multiple FMMU per SM not supported for TxPDO (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Not enough FMMU's available. FMMU id: 'FmmuId' FMMU size: 'FmmuSize' SM size: 'SmSize' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
SyncExt failure, error message: 'ErrorMessage' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave state ('0xState') is not free (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Frame handler not initialized (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to reserve APxx datagram (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to claim new progress instance during slave connect (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Cannot disconnect unconnected slave (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Cannot reconnect already connected slave (max bus state: 'MaxBusState', slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to claim new progress instance during slave reconnect (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Cannot free connected slave (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
PDO datagram (index: DatagramIndex) not received, actual working counter: ActualWkc, expected working counter: ExpectedWkc, state: DatagramState, type: DatagramType, PDO config: PdoConfig (state id: SlaveId) |
Internal slave state ('0xState') should be prepared (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Cannot add object to PDO config in state 'State' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Cannot add EtherCAT object '0xObject:SubObject' with bit size 'ObjectSize' to PDO config for simple slave (slave id: 'SlaveId'). The object is not byte aligned |
Cannot clear PDO config in state 'State' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
All available multicast sets are reserved (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Multicast set was not added to slave (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Port 0 of slave 'SlaveId' (seamingly at position 'SlavePosition') is not connected. Check EtherCAT cable connections |
No parent port available (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Invalid argument 'State' given (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave is not connected (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave state transition: 'AlState' -> 'AlStateRq' not allowed! (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to claim new progress instance during state transition (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Unable to prepare state transition from 'AlState' to 'AlStateRq' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
State transition was aborted (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave state transition 'AlState' to 'AlStateRq' not allowed (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave state transition not possible, no loaded EEPROM (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave state transition 'AlState' to 'AlStateRq' not allowed, as master makes transition 'MasterState' to 'MasterStateRq' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Cancelling scan handler due to cancelling state transition (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave state '0xState' is not prepared or entering prepared (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Cancelling prepared state transition (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Protocol 'Protocol' not supported (supported protocols: 'SupportedProtocols', state id: 'SlaveId') |
Asynchronous operation failed. Slave connected: 'IsConnected', Slave AL state: 'AlState', Slave internal state: '0xIntState' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Asynchronous operation failed. Given data object is uninitialized (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to claim new progress instance (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to claim new progress instance for slave scan (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Async write start failed. Only byte arrays are supported (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Async read start failed. Only byte arrays are supported (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
SDO info is not supported (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
SDO info is not supported (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
SDO info is not supported (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
File name not initialized (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
File name not initialized (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Internal slave state is not free (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Failed to claim new progress instance for SII reload (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Diagnosis messages are not supported (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Slave state ('State') is not PreOp (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Diagnosis messages are not supported (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Diagnosis message handler not enabled (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Unable to read PDO tables |
Unable to write PDO assignment size object '0xPdoAssignmentIndex' |
Slave 'Id' error PDO mapping in tables starting at '0xPdoTableIndex' with object: '0xIndex:SubIndex' cannot be mapped |
The frame assembler detected an empty frame |
The frame disassembler detected an invalid frame identifier (actual: FrameId, expected: ExpectedFrameId) |
Frame (id: 'FrameId') disassembler detected an invalid datagram identifier (actual: 'DgId', expected: 'ExpectedDgId') |
Maximum number of chains reached, cannot create chain 'ChainId' (max chains: 'MaxChains') |
Sync timing not configured (sync1 shift: 'Sync1Shift', period: 'Period') |
Slave 'Id' SDO response frame too short 'Length' < 'LengthMinimal' |
Slave 'Id' SDO response frame unexpected header. Actual: '0xCoeHdrAct', '0xSdoCsHdrAct' Expected: '0xCoeHdrExp', '0xSdoCsHdrExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO response frame unexpected object. Actual: '0xIndexAct:SubIndexAct' Expected: '0xIndexExp:SubIndexExp' |
Slave 'Id' object '0xIndex:SubIndex' returns SDO Abort Code: '0xAbortCode' ('AbortCodeString') |
Slave 'Id' SDO response frame unexpected Write header. Actual: '0xSdoWrHdrAct' Expected: '0xSdoWrHdrExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO response frame mismatch 'complete' bit during read. Actual: '0xSdoRdHdrAct' Expected: '0xSdoRdHdrExp' |
Slave 'Id' SDO response read unexpected length encoding in header: '0xHeader' |
Slave 'Id' SDO response read unexpected object length. Actual: 'lengthAct' Expected: 'lengthExp' |
Slave 'Id' start SDO write request failed for object '0xAddressHigh.AddressLow' |
Slave 'Id' queue SDO write request failed for object '0xAddressHigh.AddressLow' |
Slave 'Id' start SDO read request failed for object '0xAddressHigh.AddressLow' |
Slave 'Id' queue SDO read request failed for object '0xAddressHigh.AddressLow' |
EC CoeSdo: operation on object '0xAddressHigh.AddressLow' failed for slave 'SlaveId' |
Slave 'SlaveId' invalid SDO write data type 'SdoType' |
Slave 'SlaveId' invalid SDO read data type 'SdoType' |
Network update handler of chain 'ChainId' is stopped |
Error reserving slave for pos 'Pos' (slave id: 'SlaveId'), Address old: '0xOldAddress', new: '0xNewAddress' (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Slave at address 'Address' is uninitialized (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Unexpected slave address conflict at pos 'Pos' (slave id: 'SlaveId', chain id: 'ChainId') |
Frame handler: Failed to reserve datagram |
PDO configuration: No space to insert padding (max elem: 'MaxElem') |
Error during PDO configuration 'Config' elements in configuration:NrElem |
PDO config is full (current size: 'Size', max size 'MaxSize') |
Cannot defined an invalid value for RxPDO (object '0xIndex:SubIndex') |
No suitable conversion function, invalid PDO config (object '0xIndex:SubIndex', access: 'Access', bit size: 'BitSize', bit shift: 'BitShift', type: 'Type', number of sub elements: 'NrOfElems') |
Invalid PDO config identifier ('Config') provided |
Unexpected CoE error reading PDO mapping table indices starting at '0xPdoIndex' (error code '0xErrorCode') |
More PDO mappings available than maximum, truncating... 'PdoTableIndices' -> 'MaxPdoTableIndices' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Unexpected CoE error reading PDO mapping table size at PDO index '0xPdoIndex' (error code '0xErrorCode') |
Slave 'Id' error PDO table reader out of memory, max table size:NbTablesMax but needs at least 'NbTables' |
Slave 'Id' error PDO table reader out of memory for table '0xPdoTableIndex': max table entry size: 'SizeTableMax' but needs at least 'SizeTable' |
Slave 'Id' ESM state transition AlCtrl:AlCtrl AlStatus:AlStatus timeout: 'Timeout' |
Slave 'Id' ESM state transition rejected due to AlCtrl: '0xAlCtrl' AlStatus: '0xAlStatus' AlStatusCode: '0xAlStatusCode' |
ESM handler failed (ESM handler state 'State', slave address: 'SlaveAddress') |
Invalid ESM state request (requested AL state: 'StateRq') |
Bitshift must be 0 for non-bit object of size 'BitSize' bits, but is 'BitShift' |
Sii: Malformed/Invalid PDO ('0xSiiBasePtr' + '0xSiiPdoSize') > '0xSiiBaseEndPtr', size: 'SiiSize', access: 'Access' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Sii: Malformed/Invalid PDO element ('0xSiiBasePtr' + '0xSiiPdoElemSize') > '0xSiiBaseEndPtr', size: 'SiiSize', access: 'Access', entry: 'Entry' (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Previous datagram was not freed |
Failed to reserve datagram for scan handler |
EC EEPROM could not be loaded after 'Retries' retries (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
EC ESI Category error (SIIsize: 'SiiSize', SIIcategory: 'SiiCategory') |
Slave scan failed (SIIstate: 'State') |
Bus cycle time End of frame time negative: 'MinSoF' > 'MaxSof' (sync1 group id: 'Sync1GroupId') |
Bus 'Id' cycle time requested IO delay not possible: IoGroups 'IoGroups', Sync1Shift:Sync1Shift, MinSync1CycleTime:MinSync1CycleTime (sync1 group id: 'Sync1GroupId') |
Trying to configure TX timer, while it was already configured (sync1 group id: 'Sync1GroupId') |
No TX timers available (sync1 group id: 'Sync1GroupId') |
Failed to release TX timer (sync1 group id: 'Sync1GroupId') |
Maximal bus cycle time Sync0 larger than sample period: 'Sync0' > 'SamplePeriod', number of buses: 'NrBuses' (sync0 sync group id: 'Sync0GroupId') |
Invalid Sync0 group referenced: '0xsync0Id' |
Requested IoDelay ioDelay is less than IoCriticalTaskBudget + IoCriticalTaskJitterMargin (taskBudget + jitterMargin) |
No datagram recieved (datagram state: 'State', header index: Index) |
Datagram has invalid working counter (actual: ActualWkc, expected: ExpectedWkc, datagram state: 'State', header index: Index) |
Invalid address '0xAddress' given in datagram mode 'Mode' |
Datagram: Reserving when not in Idle (datagram state: 'State') |
Datagram initialization initiated when state is 'State' (datagram index: 'Index') |
Datagram initialization initiated with invalid payload size 'Size' (maximum payload size 'MaxSize') |
Datagram initialization initiated with invalid addressing type 'Type' and/or mode 'Mode' |
Datagram queued when state is 'State' (datagram index: Index). Datagram state should be Initialized |
Datagram resend requested when state is 'State' (datagram index: 'Index') |
Datagram send requested when state is 'State' (datagram index: 'Index'). Datagram state should be Queued |
Failed to claim new progress instance synchronized state transition |
No reference DC chain... all NIC's down |
No timer available |
Chain 'Id' cycle time calculation error: could not fit sm4-5 copy actions. Parameters Sync1Shift:Sync1Shift SyncExt2Shift:SyncExt2Shift SyncExt3Shift:SyncExt3Shift Sm5CopyTime:Sm5CopyTime |
Bus scan handler is stopped for chain id ChainId |
EC Position scan handler for pos 'Pos' failed |
Error starting pos scan handler for pos 'Pos' |
Topo scan handler for chain id ChainId is stopped |
Unable to determine parent of slave 'SlaveId' (at pos 'SlavePos'), check EtherCAT cable connections |
Error pushing current slave onto stack |
Datagram 'DatagramIndex' should not be reserved yet (slave id: 'SlaveId') |
Unable to reserve datagram 'DatagramIndex' for port vector scan of slave 'SlaveId' |
Unable to initialize datagram 'DatagramIndex' for port vector scan of slave 'SlaveId' |
Starting DC handler while not in idle (state: 'State', chain id: 'ChainId') |
Starting DC handler without any slaves (chain id: 'ChainId') |
DC on chain 'ChainId': Datagram error, wkc = 'ActualWkc' (act) != 'ExpectedWkc' (exp) state = 'State' -> datagram lost. Retries: 'Retries' |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when broadcasting latch port times (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when reading port link status (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Port 0 of slave 'SlaveId' is not connected, check EtherCAT cable connections (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when reading port times (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Slave 'SlaveId' has negative round trip time ('RoundTripTime'), check EtherCAT cable connections (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when writing slave delay (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when reading slave offsets (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when writing slave offsets (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when sending broadcast to setup speed counter/dc filter (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid datagram state (State) when setting up slave filter (chain id: ChainId) |
Invalid datagram state ('State') when handling drift correction (chain id: 'ChainId') |
There is no slave left with DC support |
There is no slave with DC support |
There is no slave position with DC support |
There is no previous slave with DC support |
There is no next slave with DC support |
There is no parent port with DC support |
Slave 'Id' FoE error response with Abort Code: '0xAbortCode' ('AbortCodeString') |
Slave 'SlaveId' FoE mailbox failed to start transfer (Mbx size: 'MbxSize', FoE packet size: 'FoePacketSize') |
Slave 'SlaveId' FoE mailbox failed to queue transfer (Mbx size: 'MbxSize', FoE packet size: 'FoePacketSize') |
Slave 'SlaveId' FoE mailbox failed to start send acknowledgement (FoE packet size: 'FoePacketSize') |
Slave 'SlaveId' FoE mailbox failed to queue send acknowledgement (FoE packet size: 'FoePacketSize') |
Slave 'Id' FoE write response frame too short 'Length' < 'LengthMinimal' |
Slave 'Id' FoE write returned unexpected opcode: 'Opcode' |
Slave 'Id' FoE read response frame too short 'Length' < 'LengthMinimal' |
Slave 'Id' FoE read packet sequence out-of-sync. Actual: 'PacketIdAct' Expected: 'PacketIdExp' |
Slave 'Id' FoE read returned unexpected opcode: 'Opcode' |
FoE handler failure (FoE handler state: 'State') |
Mailbox message length ('MbxLen') exceeds payload size ('PayloadSize') |
Slave 'SlaveId' FoE mailbox failed to start send request (mailbox message length: 'MbxLen', FoE packet size: 'FoePacketSize') |
Slave 'SlaveId' FoE mailbox failed to queue send request (mailbox message length: 'MbxLen', FoE packet size: 'FoePacketSize') |
Multicast set was not reserved |
Cannot add slave 'SlaveId' to multicast set |
Invalid chain state 'RequestedState' requested (current chain state: 'State', previously requested chain state: 'PreviouslyRequestedState', chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid chain state transition requested from 'ChainState' to 'RequestedState' (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Failed to claim new progress instance to start state transition (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Chain state transition failed since the network update handler failed with error Error (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Chain state transition aborted (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Slave state transition preparation failed for slave 'SlaveId' (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Bus state transition failed because distributed clock was busy for 'BusyTimeout' seconds (chain id:'ChainId') |
Aborted state transition from 'CurrentState' to 'RequestedState' (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Running state transition is aborted for chain 'ChainId' |
Distributed Clock synchronization failed within 'BusyTimeout' seconds (chain id:'ChainId') |
Network of chain 'ChainId' has changed during the transition. This is not allowed |
One or more slaves encountered an error during their state transition (chain id: 'ChainId', error message: 'ErrorMessage') |
DC handler failed during state transition from 'SrcState' to 'DstState' (chain id: 'ChainId', error message: 'ErrorMessage') |
Failed to claim new progress instance to start slave list update (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Error starting network updater (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid slave id 'SlaveId' given, max number of slaves equals 'MaxSlaveId' (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid state 'State' when setting the period (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Distributed clock handler asynchronous update failed for chain 'ChainId' |
Asynchronous slave update failed for slave 'SlaveId' on chain 'ChainId' |
Asynchronous chain update failed for chain 'ChainId' |
Frame handler asynchronous send failed for chain 'ChainId' |
Invalid state 'State' when clearing PDO config (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Invalid slave address 'Address' given when trying to reserve a slave on a chain (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Trying to reserve slave id 'Id', which is already reserved (chain id: 'ChainId') |
Bus state transition from 'Source' to 'Destination' for bus 'Bus' could not start because an enumeration scan is busy |
Bus state transition from 'Source' to 'Destination' failed for bus 'Bus' |
Monitored object offset '0xOffset' outside valid range '0xStart-0xEnd' |
Slave state transition from 'Source' to 'Destination' not allowed for slave 'Bus.Node' with current bus state 'BusState' |
Slave state transition from 'Source' to 'Destination' failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. Slave is not connected |
Asynchronous write to '0xOffset' failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. Slave is not connected |
'Async' write to '0xOffset' failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. User pointer is null |
Asynchronous read of '0xOffset' failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. Slave is not connected |
'Async' read of '0xOffset' failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. User pointer is null |
File 'Name' write failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. User pointer is null |
File 'Name' write failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. Slave is not connected |
File 'Name' read failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. User pointer is null |
File 'Name' read failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. Slave is not connected |
Slave read write update failed for slave 'NodeNr' on bus 'BusNr' |
Slave state update failed for slave 'NodeNr' on bus 'BusNr' |
Slave file handler update failed for slave 'NodeNr' on bus 'BusNr' |
Monitor variable handler update failed for slave 'NodeNr' on bus 'BusNr' |
Connect phase failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to read serial number during slave connect for slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to read product number during slave connect for slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to release multicast set on bus 'Bus'. Invalid pointer supplied |
Asynchronous broadcast write failed on bus 'Bus'. User pointer is null |
Slave list handler update failed on bus 'BusNr' |
Bus state handler update failed on bus 'BusNr' |
Bus read write handler update failed on bus 'BusNr' |
Failed to start file 'Name' open on slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus file error: 'FileError'. IOBus I/O error: 'IoError' |
Failed to start file 'Name' chunk read on slave 'Bus.Node'. Chunk size: 'ChunkSize'. Transferred: 'Transferred'. IOBus file error: 'FileError'. IOBus I/O error: 'IoError' |
Failed to start file 'Name' chunk write on slave 'Bus.Node'. Chunk size: 'ChunkSize'. Transferred: 'Transferred'. IOBus file error: 'FileError'. IOBus I/O error: 'IoError' |
Failed to start file 'Name' close on slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus file error: 'FileError'. IOBus I/O error: 'IoError' |
Failed to open file 'Name' on slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus file error: 'FileError'. IOBus I/O error: 'IoError' |
Failed to close file 'Name' on slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus file error: 'FileError'. IOBus I/O error: 'IoError' |
Failed to 'Type' chunk of file 'Name' on slave 'Bus.Node'. Chunk size: 'ChunkSize'. Transferred: 'Transferred'. IOBus file error: 'FileError'. IOBus I/O error: 'IoError' |
State transition to 'Update' for file 'Name' failed on slave 'Bus.Node' |
Failed to start slave state transition to 'Update' for file 'Name' on slave 'Bus.Node' |
Failed to start asynchronous broadcast write to '0xOffset' on bus 'Bus'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Asynchronous broadcast write failed on bus 'Bus'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Reached maximum periodic elements of 'MaxElem' |
Reached maximum periodic configuration size of 'MaxSize' |
Failed to add offset '0xOffset' to periodic configuration for slave 'Bus.Node'. Invalid configuration 'Id' passed |
Failed to add offset '0xOffset' to periodic configuration for slave 'Bus.Node'. User pointer is null |
Failed to add 'ObjectAccess' of offset '0xOffset' to periodic configuration of type 'ConfigAccess' for slave 'Bus.Node' |
Failed to add offset '0xOffset' to periodic configuration for slave 'Bus.Node' |
Failed to get configuration for slave 'Bus.Node'. Maximum configurations 'Max' reached |
Failed to claim periodic write configuration for slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to claim periodic read configuration for slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to add offset '0xOffset' to periodic 'Access' configuration for slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to start enumeration on bus 'Bus'. IOBus enumeration error: 'EnumError' |
Enumeration failed on bus 'Bus'. IOBus enumeration error: 'EnumError' |
Failed to start slave state transition from 'Source' ('SourceIOBus') to 'Destination' ('DestinationIOBus') for slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus util error: 'Error' |
Slave state transition from 'Source' ('SourceIOBus') to 'Destination' ('DestinationIOBus') failed for slave 'Bus.Node'. Actual IOBus state: 'ActualIOBus'. IOBus util error: 'Error' |
Failed to clear periodic configurations on bus 'Bus'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to claim periodic broadcast write configuration on bus 'Bus'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to add offset '0xOffset' to periodic broadcast write configuration for bus 'Bus'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to start asynchronous write to '0xOffset' on slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to start asynchronous read to '0xOffset' on slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Asynchronous 'Access' failed on slave 'Bus.Node'. IOBus I/O error: 'Error' |
Failed to add offset '0xOffset' to multicast set on bus 'Bus'. Set not reserved |
Failed to reserve multicast set on bus 'Bus'. Provided 'Slaves' instead of 'AllSlaves' (all) slaves |
Slave 'Name' is already started |
Failed to set the bus state from 'CurrentState' to 'RequestedState' |
Object with index: Index, subindex: SubIndex is not found |
Not allowed to write object '0xIndex:0xSubIndex' with name: 'ObjectName' in busstate 'BusState' |
Failed to write object '0xIndex:0xSubIndex' with name: 'ObjectName' due to a failed callback |
Object with index: Index, subindex: SubIndex is not found |
Not allowed to read object '0xIndex:0xSubIndex' with name: 'ObjectName' in busstate 'BusState' |
Failed to read object '0xIndex:0xSubIndex' with name: 'ObjectName' due to a failed callback |
Slave 'Slave' does not have a file named 'File' |
IFileHandler::Open failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::AsyncErase failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::GetAsyncResult failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Write failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::AsyncSave failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::GetAsyncResult failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Close failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Open failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::AsyncLoad failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::GetAsyncResult failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Read failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Close failed for reading file 'FileName' |
Object with index: Index, subindex: SubIndex is not found |
Slave 'Name' is not reachable |
CDmHandler aborted |
Unexpected situation in NRTC in file 'FileName' at line LineNumber: 'Expression' , 'OptionalInfo' |
TargetVelocity 'TargetVelocity' is larger than MaximumVelocity 'MaximumVelocity' |
MaximumVelocity 'MaximumVelocity' is larger than DemandVelocityLimit 'DemandVelocityLimit' |
MaximumAcceleration 'MaximumAcceleration' is larger than DemandAccelerationLimit 'DemandAccelerationLimit' |
MaximumJerk 'MaximumJerk' is larger than DemandJerkLimit 'DemandJerkLimit' |
MaximumSnap 'MaximumSnap' is larger than DemandSnapLimit 'DemandSnapLimit' |
TargetPosition 'TargetPosition' is larger than DemandPositionHighLimit 'DemandPositionHighLimit' |
TargetPosition 'TargetPosition' is smaller than DemandPositionLowLimit 'DemandPositionLowLimit' |
Forward velocity constraint is supported only in third-order trajectory generation. Not supported for order: Order |
Forward velocity constraint is only supported in start stop synchronization |
Forward velocity constraint is not supported for trajectories containing non zero initial/final acceleration: 'Acceleration', jerk: 'Jerk' |
Target velocity ('TargetVelocity') of the constraint axes is larger than the MaximumForwardVelocity ('MaximumForwardVelocity') |
Forward velocity constraint does not support more than two constrained axes 'ConstrainedAxis' |
Forward velocity constraint does not support group moves containing both Ptp-variants (RelMove, AbsMove) and Jog-variants (Jog, SmoothStop) |
2nd order traject generator is not supported |
4th order traject generator is not supported |
The begin acceleration (AccelerationBegin) should be zero for 3rd order fixed ratio trajectory generator |
Full synchronization only supported for a third order trajectory generator |
Full synchronization with fixed ratios is not supported |
Full synchronization only supported for a point-to-point or Jog move |
The begin acceleration (AccelerationBegin) should be zero for Full synchronization |
Full synchronization with begin velocity (VelocityBegin) is not supported |
Full synchronization with end velocity (VelocityEnd) is not supported |
Full synchronization not supported with fixed ratios (RatioJerkOverAcceleration) |
Start stop synchronization only supported for a third order trajectory generator |
Start stop synchronization only supported for a PTP or Jog move |
The begin acceleration (AccelerationBegin) be zero for Start stop synchronization |
The begin acceleration (AccelerationBegin) should be zero for 4th order trajectory generator |
The begin jerk (JerkBegin) should be zero for 4th order trajectory generator |
2nd order trajectory generator is not supported |
3rd order trajectory generator is not supported |
Mathematically impossible trajectory: RatioJerkOverAcceleration (C2) 'RatioJerkOverAcceleration' is larger than RatioSnapOverJerk (C1) 'RatioSnapOverJerk' |
The begin velocity (VelocityBegin) should be zero for 4th order point-to-point trajectory generator |
The end velocity (VelocityEnd) should be zero for 4th order point-to-point trajectory generator |
The begin velocity (VelocityBegin) should be zero for 4th order point-to-point trajectory generator |
The end velocity (VelocityEnd) should be zero for 4th order point-to-point trajectory generator |
Mathematically impossible trajectory: RatioJerkOverAcceleration (C2) 'RatioJerkOverAcceleration' is larger than RatioSnapOverJerk (C1) 'RatioSnapOverJerk' |
Mathematically impossible trajectory: RatioAccelerationOverVelocity (C3) 'RatioAccelerationOverVelocity' is larger than (C1*C2)/(C1+C2) 'CalculatedNumber' (C1 = RatioSnapOverJerk, C2 = RatioJerkOverAcceleration) |
Mathematically impossible trajectory: RatioAccelerationOverVelocity (C3) 'RatioAccelerationOverVelocity' is larger than 0.5*C1 'HalfRatioSnapOverJerk' (C1 = RatioSnapOverJerk) |
Mathematically impossible trajectory: RatioAccelerationOverVelocity (C3) 'RatioAccelerationOverVelocity' is larger or equal to RatioJerkOverAcceleration (C2) 'RatioJerkOverAcceleration' |
2nd order trajectory generator is not supported |
3rd order trajectory generator is not supported |
Module not registered: 'Module' |
Converted Slave result without info 'Result' |
Converted Rtc result without info 'Result' |
Assertion failed: 'Expression', file: 'FileName'(RTC), line: LineNumber, info: 'OptionalInfo' |
Assertion failed: 'Expression', file: 'FileName'(RTC), line: LineNumber |
Assertion failed: 'Expression', file: 'FileName'(SLAVE), line: LineNumber, info: 'OptionalInfo' |
Assertion failed: 'Expression', file: 'FileName'(SLAVE), line: LineNumber |
Cannot find an object that was specified for the monitor setting |
Monitor variables can only be configured in Running state |
Failed to initialize homing method |
Homing method factory for method 'Method' is not registered |
Registering a homing method factory for method Method failed, since a factory is registered already |
Too few bytes (Bytes) in persistent data to fit header. Should be at least MinimumHeaderSize |
No or wrong magic found in persistent data header (expected ExpectedMagic, found Found) |
Size in persistent data header does not match data size (expected ExpectedSize, found ActualSize) |
Calculated crc32 does not match crc32 in file (calculated CalculatedCrc, found FileCrc) |
Format version not supported (supported ExpectedVersion, found ActualVersion) |
Not sufficient data: item header size is ItemHeaderSize, but only RemainingDataSize bytes left |
Item size equals zero. Invalid data |
Not sufficient data: item size is ItemSize, but only RemainingDataSize bytes left |
Object specified in persistent configuration data not found |
Object (Index: Index, SubIndex: SubIndex) specified in persistent configuration data is not writable |
Object (Index: Index, SubIndex: SubIndex): expected data type 'ExpectedDataType', in persistent data: 'ConfigDataType' |
Object (Index: Index, SubIndex: SubIndex): String datatypes are not supported |
Object (Index: Index, SubIndex: SubIndex) is not persistable |
Loading persistent configuration failed due to lack of memory |
Failed to apply persistent configuration element (index) 'Element' of 'Total' total elements |
Position Based Trigger 'Idx' extrapolation 'Ext' incompatible sample period 'Period' |
Position Based Trigger 'Idx' position select write blocked while enabled |
Position Based Trigger 'Idx' extrapolator select write blocked while enabled |
Position Based Trigger 'Idx' position input select 'Input' not available' |
Position Based Trigger 'Idx' extrapolation method 'Ext' not available' |
Position Based Trigger 'Idx' write blocked, while comparator select is non-zero ('Cmp') |
No FPGA monitor variable available |
All distinct FPGA monitor variable in use |
Event context message is not defined for SPU event id: EventId - 'BitfieldName' |
Regif type 'RegIfType' does not match the type of the CRegister : 'RegisterType' |
Register: 'RegisterName': Actual regif bitsize RegIfBitSize does not match the CRegister bitsize RegisterBitSize |
Register 'RegisterName' is already remapped |
Invalid control word 'ControlWord' received by axiscontrol Idx |
Requested operation mode (OperationMode) is not supported |
Setpoint interpolator cannot enable when bus period = 0 (DC mode free run) |
Interpolator setpoint period 'InterpolatorPeriod's is not an exact multiple of the bus period 'BusPeriod's |
Received unkown status word 'StatusWord' received by axiscontrol Idx |
Option code value Value is not supported |
File 'File' cannot be accessed. Incorrect password |
Readonly file 'File' cannot be written |
Writeonly file 'File' cannot be read |
Cannot read more data than the size of the file 'File' (size: Size) |
Cannot write more data than the size of the file 'File' (size: Size) |
Failed to initialize operation mode |
Operation mode factory for operation mode 'Mode' is not registered |
Registering an operation mode factory for mode Mode failed, since a factory is registered already |
More than one (Count) regif register found with tag 'Tag' |
No yaml defined for internal event 'EventName' (bit: BitNumber) |
The bus sample period 'BusSamplePeriod' is not an exact multiple of the SPU sample period 'SPUSamplePeriod' |
Slave SPU sample period 'SPUSamplePeriod' is not larger than zero |
Slave SPU sample period 'SPUSamplePeriod' is not an exact multiple of slave LPU sample period 'LPUSamplePeriod' |
The calculate phase budget (CalculatePhaseBudget) must be larger than 0 |
File handler 'FileHandler' with size Size does not fit in the product specific flash |
Failed to allocate processing block 'ProcessingBlock' |
Failed to create processing block 'ProcessingBlock' |
Failed to allocate processing block file handler 'FileHandler' |
Failed to allocate processing block 'ProcessingBlock' |
Failed to create processing block 'ProcessingBlock' |
Failed to allocate processing block file handler 'FileHandler' |
Failed to allocate dynamic library for processing block 'ProcessingBlock' |
Failed to create processing block 'ProcessingBlock' |
Register 'Register' is already remapped. Cannot be remapped twice. Original address: Address |
Memory allocation in processing block 'ProcessingBlockTypeName' not allowed in safeoperational or operational |
The output/testpoint/parameter datatype (ProcessingBlockDataType) of processing block 'ProcessingBlock' does not match with the RegIf register datatype (RegisterDataType) |
For processing block 'ProcessingBlock' no matching register 'Register' could be found |
Entry 'Entry' of processing block 'ProcessingBlock' has type 'EntryType' instead of 'ExpectedType' |
File 'Entry' of processing block 'ProcessingBlock' has size 'EntrySize' iso 'ExpectedSize' |
Event 'Entry' of processing block 'ProcessingBlock' has id 'EntryEventId' iso 'ExpectedEventId' |
Processing block 'ProcessingBlock' is not valid. It contains no reflection data |
Processing block 'ProcessingBlock' in the firmware is not valid. It contains no reflection data |
Error: Entry 'Name' (Type) exists in the dynamically loaded processing block which is not supported' |
Dynamic processing block 'ProcessingBlock' validation failed. See innner exceptions for details |
Invalid header for processing block 'ProcessingBlock'. No version info found |
The processingblock is built for the wrong platform 'BuildPlatform'. Should be 'TargetPlatform' |
Invalid header for processing block 'ProcessingBlock'. No library section found |
Loading processing block 'ProcessingBlock' failed: Incompatible with firmware (errorCode: ErrorCode) |
Loading processing block 'ProcessingBlock' failed: Out of resources |
Loading processing block 'ProcessingBlock' failed. (errorCode: ErrorCode) |
Loading processing block 'ProcessingBlock' failed. The interface version cannot be retrieved |
Loading processing block 'ProcessingBlock' failed. Interface version (major: BlockMajorVersion, minor: BlockMinorVersion) is incompatible with required version of the firmware (major: FirmwareMajorVersion, minor: FirmwareMinorVersion) |
Creating processing block 'ProcessingBlock' failed |
Flash is locked |
Transition failed due to Controller callback (CallbackNumber) function 'Callback' |
Undoing failed transition failed, due to Controller callback (CallbackNumber) function 'Callback' |
Register 'Register': CRegisterSignExtending only supports the uint8_t, uint32, uint64, int32 and int64 datatypes |
Register 'Register': CRegisterSignExtending-uint8_t can only be used to sign-extend bit1-7 registers, and not registers of bitsize BitSize |
Register 'Register': CRegisterSignExtending-uint32_t can only be used to sign-extend bit1-7 registers, and not registers of bitsize BitSize |
Register 'Register': CRegisterSignExtending-int32_t can only be used to sign-extend bit1-7 registers, and not registers of bitsize BitSize |
Register 'Register': CRegisterSignExtending-uint64_t can only be used to sign-extend bit1-7 registers, and not registers of bitsize BitSize |
Register 'Register': CRegisterSignExtending-int64_t can only be used to sign-extend bit1-7 registers, and not registers of bitsize BitSize |
Register 'Register' is already remapped. Cannot be remapped twice. Original address: Address |
Unsupported homing method method configured |
Writing is not allowed on the circular buffer. File: 'File' |
Object of type string cannot be bind to an input |
Failed to connect input |
Failed to connect input |
Object 'Object' cannot be connected since it is of type string |
ProductInfo not loaded |
Detected an unknown product info version: Major.Minor |
Readonly file 'File' cannot be written |
Cannot read more data than the size of the file 'File' (size: Size) |
Cannot write more data than the size of the file 'File' (size: Size) |
The number of subscriptions on the event source is depleted |
Failed to configure the data synchronization handler |
Firmware image is incompatible. File: 'File' |
Firmware image is incompatible. File: 'File' |
Failed saving firmware image. File: 'File' |
Failed saving firmware image. Checksum incorrect. File: 'File' |
Failed saving firmware image. File: 'File' |
Hang suspected. Sublist SubList on core CoreNumber is blocked on core HangCoreNumber in barrier. States: BarrierState -> HangBarrierState |
An fpga register cannot be remapped. Register 'Register' |
Not possible to connect input 'Input' with default register since the source register is not writable |
Error occurred when setting the scheduler mode from 'CurrentMode' to 'RequestedMode' |
Hang suspected. Scheduler on core CoreNumber is blocked on core HangCoreNumber in barrier. States: BarrierState -> HangBarrierState |
CResult queue overflow |
EResult: 'EResult' |
Exception information has been lost. EResult: 'EResult' |
Exception occurred which arguments did not fit in the history queue. TextId: TextId, ExceptionId: ExceptionId |
Not supported argument type is included in the CResult. TextId: TextId, ExceptionId: ExceptionId, Argument type: ArgumentType |
Failed to set the bus state from 'CurrentState' to 'RequestedState' |
Failed to read object '0xIndex:0xSubIndex' with name: 'ObjectName' due to a failed callback |
Failed to write object '0xIndex:0xSubIndex' with name: 'ObjectName' due to a failed callback |
Object with index: Index, subindex: SubIndex is not found |
PDO data not stable while copying. PDO copy: [Sync1 = StartPdoCopy, EndPdoCopy] overlaps with DMA copies: [StartPdoDataSet1, EndPdoDataSet1] and [StartPdoDataSet2, EndPdoDataSet2], Count: Count |
Requested filename length 'CurrentLength' exceeds maximum filename length (MaxLength) |
IFileHandler::Open failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Open failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::AsyncLoad failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::AsyncErase failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::AsyncErase failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::GetAsyncResult failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::GetAsyncResult failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Write failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::AsyncSave failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::GetAsyncResult failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Read failed for reading file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Close failed for writing file 'FileName' |
IFileHandler::Close failed for reading file 'FileName' |
Failed to create periodic broadcast configuration on bus 'Name'. Only one broadcast configuration is supported |
Failed to set periodic 'Access' configuration 'Config' for bus 'Name' slave 'Slave', because it is disconnected |
Failed to add 'Access' of '0xAddress' to periodic configuration for bus 'Name' configuration 'Config' |
Failed to reserve multicast set for bus 'Name' configuration 'Config', during periodic broadcast configuration |
Failed to add broadcast to '0xAddress' to multicast set for bus 'Name' configuration 'Config', during periodic broadcast configuration |
Failed to subscribe to bus master timer instance 'Instance'. Timer not present |
Failed to subscribe to bus master timer instance 'Instance'. Subscription on Bsp::Fpga failed |
Parameters of diagnosis message with TextId 'TextId' too large |
Unsupported parameter type 'Type' for diagnosis message with TextId 'TextId' |