The PMP C++ domain provides the following classes:
- CSystem
- EAcqFileFormat
- EAcqSinkMode
- EAcquisitionState
- EAcquisitionTriggerMode
- EAcquisitionTriggerOccurrenceType
- EAlignmentMethod
- EAlignmentState
- EAxisControlState
- EBusType
- ECommandCompletionCriterion
- ECommandQueuePriority
- ECommandQueueState
- ECommandState
- ECommandSyncMode
- ECommandType
- EComputationState
- EConditionType
- ECpuUtilization
- EEndpoint
- EEnumBase
- EEtherCatState
- EExecutionType
- EFilterDiscretization
- EFilterType
- EForceType
- EFrameRotationType
- EFrameTranslationType
- EGenericFilterSubType
- EGeometryType
- EHomingDirection
- EHomingMethod
- EHomingState
- EInjectionType
- EIoBusState
- EJointType
- ELatchState
- ELatchTriggerMode
- ELatchTriggerType
- ELogCategory
- EObjectType
- EPowerState
- EProperty
- ERobotCreationState
- ESegmentType
- ESettlingState
- ESignalDataType
- ESignalOperator
- ESnapshotMode
- ETemplateType
- ETopControllerState
- ETrajectoryState
- EValueType