
class ETrajectoryState : public EEnumBase<int>

Possible states a trajectory can be in.

static ETrajectoryState InPosition

DemandPosition does not change.

static ETrajectoryState Accelerating

The absolute value of DemandVelocity is increasing.

static ETrajectoryState ConstantVelocity

DemandVelocity is constant and unequal to zero.

static ETrajectoryState Decelerating

The absolute value of DemandVelocity is decreasing.

static ETrajectoryState QuickStop

The trajectory interpolator gives setpoints belonging to a second order trajectory with zero end velocity and minimum distance, while satisfying the QuickstopDeceleration constraint.

ETrajectoryState::ETrajectoryState(int val)


static ETrajectoryState ETrajectoryState::Convert(uint32_t val)