Command sequence view

The Command sequence view is an interface for the command queue of an axis control. To add a Command sequence view, click View ‣ Command sequence view ‣ <AxisControl>. The Command sequence view is depicted in Command sequence view.

Command sequence view.

Command sequence view

Add commands

Right-click in the tree view to append a command to the command sequence. The commands are categorized into State, Signal, Move and Miscellaneous (see Add command).

Add a command in the command sequence view.

Add command

For group commands, right-click on the group and click Insert (see Insert command in group).

Add a group command in the command sequence view.

Insert command in group

Configure commands

Double-click on a command to hide or unhide its parameters. To change the parameter of a command, double-click on the corresponding value. Some commands, e.g., WaitMatchSignal, have a signal as a parameter. To set the signal, drag and drop the desired signal (e.g. from the Network explorer) to the parameter box in the Command sequence view. If a command is not configured correctly it is marked with a warning icon (see Warning sign for wrong configuration). For example a SetSignal command requires a configured signal:

A warning is shown at the command, which is not configured correctly.

Warning sign for wrong configuration

Run command queue

Click run to execute the queue, and repeat a specified number of times (default x1). Click the infinite button to execute the sequence of commands an infinite number of times. See Command sequence view toolbar.

Command sequence view toolbar.

Command sequence view toolbar


It is possible to pause within a command sequence by setting a breakpoint (see Command sequence paused by a breakpoint). When the command sequence is paused at a breakpoint, one can step over the commands one by one or continue.

Command sequence paused by a breakpoint.

Command sequence paused by a breakpoint