
enum AxisControlState

Possible states an axis control can be in.

enumerator NotReadyToSwitchOn
The axis control is initializing. State transition requests are not accepted. Actuator supply voltage is disabled if per actuator supply voltage switching is supported by the controller.
Automatic transition to the next state after initialization complete.
enumerator SwitchOnDisabled
Actuator supply voltage is disabled if per actuator supply voltage switching is supported by the controller.
Use IShutdown to go to next state.
enumerator ReadyToSwitchOn
Actuator supply voltage is disabled if per actuator supply voltage switching is supported by the controller.
Use ISwitchOn or IEnableOperation to go to next states.
enumerator SwitchedOn
Actuator supply voltage is enabled.
Use IEnableOperation to go to next state.
enumerator OperationEnabled
Actuator supply voltage and actuator are enabled. Move commands are accepted.
Use IOpenLoop and ICloseLoop to switch between open and closed loop motion.
enumerator QuickStopActive
Actuator supply voltage and actuator are enabled. Move commands are not accepted.
After the quickstop is completed, use IEnableOperation to resume operation.
enumerator FaultReactionActive
An event occurred that triggered an error response. Actuator supply voltage and actuator are in the same state as the previous CiA402 state.
Automatic transition to the next state after additional configured responses, e.g. quickstop, are completed.
enumerator Fault
Actuator supply voltage is disabled if per actuator supply voltage switching is supported by the controller.
Use IAxisControlBase.ResetFault() to attempt to recover.