
timedelay mask

TimeDelay mask

The TimeDelay block delays the input signal by a time specified by the Delay time parameter.

The delay time is internally converted to a delay in samples or a fraction of samples. When the delay time requires a non-integer number of samples, linear interpolation between samples is used to determine the delayed value. The Delay time parameter is used to set the delay time, and should be a non-negative number.

The Maximum delay parameter represents the maximum delay time for which memory is allocated. The maximum delay and cannot be changed during runtime. When the requested delay exceeds the maximum delay value, the actual delay is determined by the size of the delay buffer. By setting the maximum delay to zero, the delay is disabled and will function as a feedthrough. This will crease the calculation time of the delay block.

The Reset input resets all the delayed values by setting them to the current value of the input.

Parameters and Dialog Box

TimeDelay dialog

TimeDelay dialog

Delay time [s]

Sets a delay time and must be non-negative. The actual delay is limited by the value given by the Maximum delay parameter. The delay parameter can be updated at runtime.

Maximum delay [s]

Determines the size of the delay buffer and must be non-negative. When the maximum delay is set to zero, the delay is disabled. This will decrease the calculation time of the tracking error calculation block. The maximum delay parameter cannot be updated at runtime.

Data Type Support

Input ports
The input port Input accepts only signals of type double.
The input port Reset accepts only signals of type boolean.
Dialog parameters
The Delay time dialog parameter can be of any real numeric data type and must be non-negative.
The Maximum delay dialog parameter can be of any real numeric data type and must be non-negative.