The PMP C++ domain provides the following typedefs:
- AcqCompleteHandler
- AcquisitionCompleteHandler
- AcquisitionErrorHandler
- AcquisitionNextHandler
- AcquisitionTriggerHandler
- AsynchronousExceptionHandler
- CommandSequenceCompleteHandler
- ComputationStateHandler
- ConnectionHandler
- ConnectionLostHandler
- EventOccurredHandler
- EventResponseHandler
- LatchTriggeredHandler
- LogReaderRemainingCapacityHandler
- ObjectChildAddedHandler
- ObjectChildRemovedHandler
- ObjectPropertyChangedHandler
- PAbsMove
- PAcqSink
- PAcquisition
- PAcquisitionTrigger
- PActuator
- PAlignment
- PAlignmentStateMachine
- PApplyParameterSet
- PAxisControl
- PAxisControlGroup
- PAxisControlStateMachine
- PBus
- PCloseLoop
- PCommandBase
- PCommandGroup
- PCommandQueue
- PCommandQueueStateMachine
- PCommandSequence
- PCommandSequenceEventResponse
- PCommandStateMachine
- PCondition
- PController
- PDestroyable
- PDisableOperation
- PDisableVoltage
- PEnableOperation
- PEvent
- PEventResponder
- PEventResponse
- PEventSource
- PFilter
- PFrame
- PFrameObserver
- PFrameRotation
- PFrameTranslation
- PGeometry
- PGeometryConfig
- PHoming
- PHomingStateMachine
- PInput
- PJog
- PJoint
- PLatch
- PLatchStateMachine
- PLockableParameterSet
- PLogBuffer
- PLogReader
- PMatrix
- PMoveCommand
- PNamed
- PObject
- POpenLoop
- PParameterSet
- PParameterSetBase
- PPathMove
- PPowerStateMachine
- PProcessingBlock
- PQuickStop
- PRelMove
- PRigidBody
- PRobot
- PSample
- PSegment
- PSensor
- PSetSignal
- PShutdown
- PSignal
- PSignalCollection
- PSmoothStop
- PSnapshot
- PSubController
- PSubscription
- PSwitchOn
- PSystem
- PTemplate
- PTopController
- PTrajectoryGenerator
- PTrajectoryInterpolator
- PTrajectoryStateMachine
- PTriggerMatchSignal
- PUpdatable
- PWaitDuration
- PWaitMatchSignal
- SignalMatchHandler
- StateMachineStateHandler
- TopControllerStateChangeHandler
- UpdatableCompleteHandler
- UpdatableProgressHandler