
This chapter describes the Condition interface. A condition expression can be used everywhere a Condition is expected, e.g. an acquisition trigger.

Each condition expression can be negated using the Negate property on the Condition interface.

Conditions are evaluated every cycle by a monitor of the corresponding type. Each condition in a condition expression, except for TrivialCondition, requires one monitor resource.

Condition types



Monitor resource


A condition that represents the value True or False.



A condition that represents a comparison of a signal with a value using a SignalOperator.


Trivial condition

A trivial condition represents the boolean value True or False.

Signal condition

A signal condition contains all configuration data required to check whether a signal has reached a certain value. It is composed of a signal, operator, and value. The operator is defined using the SignalOperator, the expressions of the ‘Double expression’ column are used for all signal data types. Each active instance of a signal condition requires one SignalMonitor resource.